2014  February
Call UsedCategorySchool/Club NameParticipants
K5LBJ  Senior High SchoolLBJ High School Amateur Radio Club11
Primary Operator/Sponsor:
K5LBJ  TX  Ronny Risinger  
ScoreCW/RTTY/Dig QsPhone QsUSVEDXClubsSchools

In just a few months, K5LBJ will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Throughout that time, School Club Roundup has always been the students' favorite activity. This year, club members were excited to top their all-time total points with 191,844. And, they did so without ever turning the amp on, so just 100 watts out. Fantastic to have so many new schools joining in the fun. We hope you are beginning a long, successful school program.
-73- Ronny, KC5EES (Trustee of K5LBJ)