2015  October
Call UsedCategorySchool/Club NameParticipants
AA3TH  Middle/Intermed/JR High SchoolClarion Area Tech Students (CATS)2
Primary Operator/Sponsor:
AA3TH  PA  Joseph P. Beichner  
ScoreCW/RTTY/Dig QsPhone QsUSVEDXClubsSchools

Our club just formed this year and was officially approved by the Board of Ed just days before the roundup. You can read our story on QRZ. This was our first ever SCR. My goal as the advisor was to get as many students on the air as possible. We are a very small school and with the short notice I was able to get the entire 3rd, 4th, 5th and most of the 6th grade classes on the air. Also some of my high schoolers got on the air earlier in the week. Fun was had by all and it drew a lot of interest. Some operators we spoke to stayed on to talk to a whole bunch of kids, hence why we have way more operators than actual.