2015  February
Call UsedCategorySchool/Club NameParticipants
N0DCM  Club/Multi-OpDuluth Children's Mudeum Radio Active Club N0DCM7
Primary Operator/Sponsor:
N0DCM  MN  Joe Meese  
ScoreCW/RTTY/Dig QsPhone QsUSVEDXClubsSchools

This is the Duluth Children's Museum Radio Active Club (N0DCM) in Duluth, MN. We have been exposed to Amateur Radio starting with our experience in 2012 with an ARISS call to International Space Station. Some of the kids thought it was really cool talking with a real astronaut on the radio and so we started a club. Since then we have been working with local elmers from the Arrowhead Amateur Radio Club (ARAC) learning about how HAM radio works. They have helped us studying and testing to become operators and even helped us put together our own equipment. This is our first school club roundup and it was really fun. It was amazing to talk with people all over the country and to see the map of all our contacts at the end.