W0ANT Photo

April 2012 ARRL SSB Rookie Roundup final scores are listed below. Click on a call to see the entry details.

Single Op Call Area: W0
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
K1ING  CO6,7981549830300 
KD0QNC  KS1122548000 
KD0OAJ  KS13011000 
Single Op Call Area: W1
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
KB1UGS  MA12,47016316441101 
KB1WTI  NH12,34125319536311 
AB1OD  CT1803929000 
Single Op Call Area: W2
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
KC2WMR  NY340111129001 
KD2BSM  NY62031001 
Single Op Call Area: W3
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
AJ3O  PA5441101415001 
K3LLC  PA122302000 
Single Op Call Area: W4
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
AK4QU  TN4,4881248430400 
KK4ECR  FL1,6802183423100 
KK4DZP  FL1,6523172526101 
KJ4VXG  TN442491611200 
N2HAK  NC15254117100 
N4NUD  FL86201001 
Single Op Call Area: W5
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
NN5AA  AR336171412000 
W5TJS  OK17526136001 
AF5DI  OK1443668000 
KF5GBL  TX634257000 
Single Op Call Area: W6
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
K6NAA  CA15,54816520844200 
KJ6PUN  CA6,17922811136001 
KJ6SEE  CA2,5763224827100 
W6VMT  CA384412812000 
KJ6MQM  CA11651093001 
KB6ECV  CA1046538000 
K6TDI  CA987627000 
KJ6PUO  CA918377000 
K6PBF  CA489524000 
K6RQT  CA4010424000 
KJ6HUP  CA2411281001 
KJ6NLD  CA2212271001 
Single Op Call Area: W7
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
KF7KCF  WA14,79817415443501 
KF7TGI  OR5,2922357735100 
KF7LUA  ID2,0253164326010 
K9QJS  WA24549177000 
K7RVW  OR405245000 
Single Op Call Area: W8
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
KD8OSD  MI1,3111123319301 
NM8W  OH1,0402162018200 
KD8OPI  OH8463132116101 
KD8POD  MI27941439000 
NA8Y  OH1895777101 
KD8QYE  MI1176459000 
KD8PPW  OH987707000 
KD8PIR  OH148150011 
Single Op Call Area: W9
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
KC9STV  WI4,0891308125400 
NX9A  WI5072101913000 
KC9TEP  IL377311712001 
KC9UJM  WI14010001 
Single Op Call Area: VE
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDXTeam
VA3EEB  ON31219812000 
Multi-Op Call Area: W1
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDX
Multi-Op Call Area: W3
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDX
W3LRC (KB3VQH KB3WNE KB3WDV KB3CCI)  MD1,8251164123101
Multi-Op Call Area: W4
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDX
KK4BGG (KK4BGG KK4HXG)  TN1681938000
Multi-Op Call Area: W5
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDX
Multi-Op Call Area: W6
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDX
K6ALR (K6ALR KJ6OVV)  CA881357001
Multi-Op Call Area: W7
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDX
W7DK (W7XTZ W7MWF KF7PXB KF7SOV)  WA2,4641263626200
W0HF (AK2L KF7TKJ KF7TKI KF7RNM)  AZ330214510000
Multi-Op Call Area: W9
Call UsedQTHScoreRankRook QsNonrook QsUSVEXEDX


AB1OD   Rookie   CT
Called CQ for a while, but decided that it was more fun chasing Georgia mobiles.
K1ING   Rookie   CO
I used the name Jerry King. My name according to FCC is Gerald King. Hope this wont cause any problems.
K4RO   Nonrookie   TN
Glad to finally be home for a Rookie Roundup. Great to work some new call signs, and hope to hear you all in future contests. 73 Kirk K4RO
K5KRE   Rookie   TX
A great time had by all. Rookies were operating like old timers after 10 minutes at the microphone.
K6ALR   Rookie   CA
The bands were not open except 20m, however we were able to contact CE4UJU in Chile, Brazil via 10m.
K6NA   Nonrookie   CA
Ten Meter band was a no-show in San Diego. Lots of fun finding and working the Rookies, mostly on 15 and 20 Meters. Next year I will have a Rookie or Rookies from my area come in here and operate-- we all need to help the Newbies find their sea-legs!
K6NAA   Rookie   CA
My first contact in this contest was only the 4th contact I ever made in my life. It was lots of fun working my Dad, K6NA, on three bands, our first QSOs ever. Thanks to N6TV for being the world's best coach.
K6TDI   Rookie   CA
Lots of fun my first time. No action on 40 or 80.
K9QJS   Rookie   WA
This form is confusing me. Somehow I was thinking that I should enter each call of the operator I talked with; now I think that all I enter is my own call. I've spent almost an hour trying to figure this out.
KB6ECV   Rookie   CA
this is my first contest and i did it all with no help so i hope i did it right. no mater what i had a blast doing it and cant wait for the next one.
KD0OAJ   Rookie   KS
K1QS from KD0OAJ,Derek,11,KS
KD2BSM   Rookie   NY
There was no one who wanted to talk to me. As a Tecnician I was limited to ten meters which was pretty dead. This was fantastic motivation to pass the General, which I am taking tomorrow night in NYC. This was my sewcond contest since getting my license in February. My first was multi operator effort in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest which I did with my grandfather, N2FF, where I made almost 200 QSOs in four hours. I am thirteen years old and in the eight grade.
KD8PPW   Rookie   OH
Other commitments limited my operating time. I still had lots of fun.
KF7TGI   Rookie   OR
My first ever contest! During my first two hours I was at best fumbling with not much success. I almost hung it up but instead decided to give it a go with 2 hours to go. By the last 30 minutes I was getting a pile up! Kind of cool being on the other end of it. My heart was literally racing trying to catch my final few QSOs in the last remaining minutes.
KJ6HUP   Rookie   CA
all on 10 meters
KJ6MQM   Rookie   CA
First Rookie Roundup I ever worked!
KJ6NLD   Rookie   CA
Only worked 10m. The band was not very active here on the West Coast.
KJ6PUN   Rookie   CA
I really enjoyed the Rookie Roundup. It is only the second time that I have operated HF since I got my license, and it was a lot of fun. I was especially pleased with making my first and only DX contact, with JA2GZZ in Japan, in the last few minutes of the contest. Many thanks to the people who helped me at the Stanford ARC (W6YX): Joanna (K6YL) and Rebar(N6DB).
KJ6PUO   Rookie   CA
My son and I, both rookies, had a great day at the awesome Stanford ARC station (W6YX). I improved my HF operating knowledge manyfold by listening in as my son operated and getting on the air a bit myself. Many thanks to Joanna (K6YL) and Rebar (N6DB) who provided the station, made participation easy, and gave so much helpful advice.
KK4DZP   Rookie   FL
Thanks for the contest!! 73s to all!!
N4NUD   Rookie   FL
My first contest, and I only had a half hour to do it, but I talked with a rookie in New Hampshire and another in Germany! I'll be back.
NA8Y   Rookie   OH
The bands seemed dead or I am really bad. Not sure which. Anyhow, see ya at field day.
NM8W   Rookie   OH
This was my last year participating in the Rookie Roundup as a Rookie. I've thoroughly enjoyed this contest, and look forward to participating next year as an OM! 73 de NM8W!
NN5AA   Rookie   AR
Hoped to do better this year, but pretty much the entire state of Arkansas was covered with heavy clouds, with intermittent rain and some torrential downpours from slow-moving thunderstorms. I had just installed a much better ground system, worked great Saturday evening. But alas, too much QRN Sunday afternoon that was weather related. I had quite a difficult time even hearing some stations, and I'm sure it was the same on their end too. It was still fun to participate. Now to get ready for the RTTY event in August and the CW event in December. Take care, NN5AA Vince
VA3EEB   Rookie   ON
Didn't hear anything on 10m. Had a few contacts on 40m. Most contacts were on 20m but tough to get through the Georgia QSO Party traffic. For my first contest I think it went ok.
W1GMW   Rookie   VT
We had antenna problems which resulted in almost no QSO's but the roundup was a qualified success anyway. Hams that have been around for a long time modeled good listening and tuning skills, good QSO and logging skills and so on. We also demonstrated logging software. In addition I provided each rookie with a folder full of good information including maps, RST info, country prefixes, band chart and so on. So it was OK. - Tim Abraham - WA1VT.
W1WBB   Nonrookie   RI
20m SSB was busy here in New England with many Georgia QSO party signals and the RR "Rookies" scattered around the band. No activity heard on 40m or 80m...so close-in mults are missing. Nice as always to work the newly licensed hams.
W5TJS   Rookie   OK
great fun, most of the non-rookies were patient with us, just a couple of jerks. (get off our frequency, our net always meet here)
W7DK   Rookie   WA
Score submitted by K7ZG based on paper logs submitted by Rookie operators at W7DK multi-op club station.
W9CEQ   Rookie   IL
We operated as an all-Rookie station using the club call, W9CEQ, Fox River Radio League, Aurora, IL. Had a great time learning much about contesting procedures. Had help from other club members who came out to Elmer our experience. All of us want to continue to improve on our contesting skills. 73

Nonrookie score submissions were received from: