W0ANT Photo
ARRL CW Rookie Roundup2013  December
Op's Full NameEntrant Type
Benjamin Kuo   Rookie
Call UsedStation CallCategoryLocationCall Area
KK6FUT  KK6FUT  Single Op  CA  W6
Op CallFirst LicensedEntrant Type
KK6FUT  2013  Rookie
Score Calculation:
QSOs Multipliers
 Rookie  Non-Rookie   States  VE Prov/Ter  XE Areas  DX 
QSO Points Total Multipliers Total Score
( 2 + 11 )x10 = 130

That was good CW practice. I was grateful that there were many long-licensed operators willing to come back to my pitifully slow CQ (5 wpm), and suffer through requests for QRS and RPT PLS. Wish I were able to contact more rookie stations (not many on the bands, it appears). Thanks for keeping this going!!!